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Two Outstanding Science Fiction Cinematic Masterpieces Commence Streaming on Netflix Today

Netflix introduces two of the finest science fiction films in cinema history to commence the new year.

Exploring Interstellar's Inception on Netflix's Portal
Exploring Interstellar's Inception on Netflix's Portal

Two Outstanding Science Fiction Cinematic Masterpieces Commence Streaming on Netflix Today

Netflix is ringing in the new year with a bang, adding two of the finest sci-fi movies ever crafted to its lineup. Regardless of whether you've previously seen them or not, these two films make extraordinary choices for a New Year's Day movie marathon.

Netflix frequently introduces a plethora of new movies each first day of the month, but rarely does it include such highly acclaimed movies as these two. The two phenomenal films happen to be from renowned director Christopher Nolan, known for his blockbuster hits like The Dark Knight Trilogy and Oppenheimer. The first film I happened upon by Nolan was Memento.

A Cosmic Journey

The first of Nolan's masterpieces to grace Netflix today is the captivating Interstellar. Released a decade ago, in 2014, the film was penned by Nolan's sibling, Jonathan. The story follows Joseph Cooper, a former NASA test pilot who transformed into a farmer while raising his two children. Cooper, a widower, shares the responsibility of raising his children with his father-in-law, Donald, brilliantly portrayed by John Lithgow.

This thought-provoking film blends a touch of dystopianism with fantastical space travel. Set in a post-truth reality, Cooper's world is filled with social repercussions, with his daughter's educators chastising him for sharing the truth about the Apollo moon landings. Devastating dust storms plague the environment, and humanity seems at its wit's end. The plot thickens when Cooper discovers a peculiar anomaly on his farm, propelling him into a desperate mission to save humanity by venturing into space and traversing a wormhole near Saturn to reach a distant star system.

The film's thrilling storyline takes a heartwarming turn as it delves deep into the personal lives of its characters. Celebrated actors Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, Matt Damon, and Casey Affleck share the screen, alongside up-and-coming actor Timothée Chalamet, making his debut in one of his earliest on-screen appearances.

Although critics awarded the film an 72% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, audiences worldwide gave it a 87% approval rating, reciprocating their enthusiasm for this cinematic achievement.

An Exploration of Consciousness

The second must-watch sci-fi film that graces Netflix today is a work of genius from Christopher Nolan, Inception. Released in 2010, the film was written and directed by Nolan, and left an indelible impact on the world with its innovative storyline and stunning visual effects.

I consider this masterpiece to be one of Nolan's best and most creative films, boasting high praise from critics (87% on Rotten Tomatoes) and audiences alike (91%). It outranks Interstellar in terms of audience scores, and ties The Dark Knight in terms of critic scores.

Unlike Interstellar, an epic tale of dystopian space travel, Inception is a brain-teasing heist thriller that delves into the depths of the human mind. In the film, Leonardo DiCaprio portrays a skilled thief named Cobb, who infiltrates the subconscious of his targets to extract their secrets using advanced technology designed to blend dreams together.

Commissioned for an impossible task—implanting an idea rather than extracting one–Cobb assembles a formidable team to execute their most perilous heist yet. Intent on amnesty and a new beginning, Cobb puts everything on the line. This exhilarating adventure takes viewers on a psychedelic voyage into dreamscapes and nightmares, resembling a marvelous fusion of Mission Impossible and hallucinogens.

The film's metaphysical ending has remained one of the most controversial and debated in recent cinema history.

Besides these two exceptional films, Netflix also added Meet The Parents, Schindler's List, and Bruce Almighty, along with Apollo 13, for those among us who continue to yearn for space operas. And if you're not yet satisfied with your streaming choices, be sure to check out my weekend movie guide for additional recommendations.

The best Netflix movies in January 2025 include not only 'Interstellar' and 'Inception', but also 'Meet The Parents', 'Schindler's List', and 'Bruce Almighty'. 'Interstellar', coming to Netflix in January, is a captivating film directed by Christopher Nolan, featuring stellar performances from Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Timothée Chalamet. 'Inception', another masterpiece by Nolan, is released in January as well, offering a brain-teasing heist thriller starring Leonardo DiCaprio and an intriguing exploration of the human mind. So, what to watch on Netflix in January 2025 includes these best new Netflix movies and more, making it an excellent time to update your movie list. Additionally, if you're interested in Christopher Nolan movies on Netflix, 'Inception' and 'Interstellar' join the lineup of his other hits like 'The Dark Knight Trilogy'. New to Netflix in January 2025, these movies provide a compelling selection for any cinephile.

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